Foam Pump
A foam pump is a machine with a spring that allows you to dispense high-quality foam already mixed with liquid and air. Foam pumps have been around for several years and are used by different industries. They are versatile and can serve many purposes.
They are mainly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries and for dispensing household chemicals. They can be customized daily to suit their users. They are also used to dispense medicines for the eyes, usually in the form of drops. If you need to administer a specific quantity of product hygienically, you should get the foam pump.
It Works Well
The pump characterizes a stainless steel spring and a gasket. They are designed to function efficiently as well as conserve the product in use. With minimal effort, the right amount of foamy soap is dispensed. It can also be refilled repeatedly by the users.
Modern Design
The foam pump is made in a modern and stylish design, perfect for ace cleanser, hair products, hand wash, etc. It comes with a protective cap that keeps the content secure and safe from damages. It is also available in 20/410, 24/410, 28/410, 30/410, 42/410.
Our new and improved 28/410 foam pump comes with a filter screen at the outlet to prevent backflow.
The pump is made from strong and high-quality materials, capable of discharging many rounds of pumps. The pump can be thoroughly cleaned and used to dispense various liquids.
Saves Cost
One of the best features of the foam pump is that it saves cost. The foam pump is produced in large quantities, which reduces the purchase cost significantly. You can reduce the money spent on the liquid being dispensed. The user can control the amount dispensed and avoid waste. Blending the liquid product with some water can increase the duration the product will last.
Prevents Waste
The foam pump is built so that it dispenses ready-to-use foam in the right quantity. This way, you can avoid wastage as the foam is used conservatively. These high-quality foam pumps have a strong output that also prevents leakage.
Safe to Use
The foam pump is professionally manufactured and designed for different users. However, they are all eco-friendly and safe to use. Each production strictly abides by the ISO production process, and the manufacturer’s warranty covers any quality problem.
Bought in Large Quantity
One of the best selling points of the foam pump is you can buy it in large quantities. Production is daily so, your order will be ready within a short time frame.
More so, it can be customized and packaged accosting to your preference. It can be delivered in a strong carton package that is ideal for long-distance transport.
You will love everything about the foam pump. Versatile, prevents waste, is safe to travel with, and is useful for storing different liquids. If you are thinking of starting your liquid business and have been worried about packaging, the foam pump is just right for you.