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Why Choose Plastic Transparent Bottles and Wholesale Prices

More and more small transparent plastic bottles made by blow molding can be seen on the market. From food packaging to cosmetic packaging to beverage packaging, small transparent plastic bottles have various applications. Of course, the small transparent plastic bottle has many advantages.

The first is that the production cost of small transparent plastic bottles is low, and the price is cheaper than other materials.

The second is that the texture and appearance of small transparent plastic bottles are getting closer to that of glass bottles, and they are becoming more and more high-end.

The third is that the small transparent plastic bottle is not fragile and easy to transport.

So, how to set the wholesale price of transparent plastic small bottles?

First of all, the capacity of the small transparent plastic bottle, and the size will affect the price of the small transparent plastic bottle.

Secondly, the transparent plastic bottle style, generally speaking, the more exquisite and complicated the transparent plastic bottle style, the higher the price.

Thirdly, the material of the transparent plastic bottle is PPPET, etc. The price of different materials will be different.

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